Training and Education
We support you with educational material
We support you with educational material
Our goal is to provide information and support, to make everyday life easier for the patients living with diseases in the areas where we operate. At the same time, we are supporting you to be confident in your daily work providing superior care for your patients.
Below, we support you with educational material like movies and patient cases.
Patient Case – Follow Lisa, 25 years old with hand eczema.
The case ( in Swedish) is about Lisa, 25 years old, who seeks the health center due to problems with hand eczema. You can follow Lisa and recommend treatment at the same time that Dr Mats Berg gives concrete advice to use in the clinic. The case takes approx. 7 minutes to complete and after the case you have the opportunity to receive a compilation with comments from Mats Berg about how you and your colleagues answered. It is of course voluntary and regardless of whether you want this feedback or not, all your answers in the training remain anonymous.

The patient case is put together by Mats Berg, dermatologist at SkinDoc i Danderyd, with an grant from Galenica.
Non Melanoma Skin Cancer
Upplysande PDT föreläsning 27 April 2023- Alexandra Sjöholm
Listen to Alexandra Sjöholm and an inspiring webinar with the patient in focus.
Movie – Curettage before PDT
Listen to Karin Håkansson, Hudläkargruppen in Stockholm, and her experiences about curettage in PDT treatment of actinic keratoses (AK) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC)